Established 1988 |
EXECUTIVE BOARD ENS Executive Board members are elected by the general membership. President-elect The President-elect shall assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence. The President-elect shall perform duties as delegated by the Executive Board. The President-Elect shall observe the functions of the organization and work closely with the President on existing and future projects. The President-elect shall serve a one-year term and subsequently serve as President the following two years and commit to serving as immediate Past President for one year. The President-elect must have served no less than two years on the Board immediately prior to election unless there is a vote by the Executive Board to override this stipulation prior to the nomination of the individual. The President- Elect will serve in alternating years with the immediate Past President as chair of the nominations committee. Past President The outgoing President shall subsequently serve a one-year term as immediate Past President. The immediate Past President shall serve as an advisor to the Executive board, serve as liaison with other professional organizations, and shall perform such duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Executive Board and the ENS By-laws. The immediate Past-President will serve in alternating years with the President-Elect as chair of the nominations committee unless otherwise designated by the Executive Board. Secretary The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the members and of the Executive board, shall be responsible for ENS records, shall be responsible for records of attendance of annual meetings, shall give notices as required by the ENS By-laws, and generally shall perform all duties incident to the office of the Secretary and such other duties as may be required by law or by the By-laws, or which may be assigned by the Executive Board. Treasurer The Treasurer shall have responsibility for funds of ENS, shall render reports and accounting to the Executive Board and to the members, and shall, in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may be required by law, or by ENS By-laws, or which may be assigned by the Executive Board. Member At-Large The Board member "At-Large" shall serve a two-year term and shall represent the membership at-large, act as a consultant to the Executive and General Board and perform such duties as may arise from time to time and are prescribed by the Executive Board. These may include planning Board meetings or supporting the work of various committees. |
CALL for NOMINATION - term beginning November 2025-October 2027 Treasurer
Member at Large For more information, or to submit application by September 1st, email Thank you! |
STANDING COMMITTEES ENS Standing Committees - members are appointed not elected. Members are welcome to join a committee at any time, as approved by the Executive Board. Current standing committees: Program: help select the topics and speakers for ENS conferences Research: help critique research and grant applications received from ENS members for funding Development: identify funding from industry and other sources and initiate contact Newsletter: help identify topics and submit information for electronic newsletters published at least quarterly Membership: help contact and provide information to members per their stated interest Social Media: submit information for publication onto social media platforms Web & Marketing: submit information and suggest topics and format for ENS website Action Advocacy: Identify current topics affecting professional and patient involvement and submit to other committees for dissemination Email your interest to subject ‘standing committee’ Thank you! | © 2024 Endocrine Nurses Society All Rights Reserved |