- Award is dependent upon available funds and is intended to support attendance to any ENS symposium (annual or regional) while not covering all costs
- The award will be presented at the completion of the annual national or regional symposium
- Once successful, an applicant may not re-apply
- Grants can only be used towards travel/transportation, and direct hotel costs only
- Early ENS conference registration fee will be reimbursed in addition to the travel award
- Expenses for travel, and hotel costs will be reimbursed (with receipt verification) up to the amount of the award
- Preference will be given to nurses delivering care to underserved populations without regard to subspecialty
Eligibility Criteria- You must be a member (any level) of ENS or apply for two-year membership at the time of this application
- You must NOT receive financial support from another source (such as place of work) for the claimed expenses
- You must be able to demonstrate that attendance at the ENS symposium will impact your practice and patient care
Application Deadline March 1 for June meeting, July 1 for Fall meeting
Submit to